"UCI vao Viet Nam lam thong ke: Da so dan ung ho dan chu", UCI's survey of Vietnam: Most people support democracy Viet Bao Daily News 11/28/2001: A1

"Vietnamese happy with life, poll says", (Scott Martelle & Mai Tran) Los Angeles Times 11/29/2001: B1

"Da so dan Viet Nam muon thay doi va dan chu", Most Vietnamese want changes and democracy Nguoi Viet Daily News 11/29/2001:A2

"Poll: Most people in Vietnam satisfied", (Ann Do) Orange County Register 11/29/2001: B1

"Nguoi Viet trong nuoc hai long voi doi song cua ho va tin vao chinh quyen", Vietnamese are satisfied with their lives and confident in the government Vien Dong Daily News 11/30/2001: A5

"Dan hai ngoai tin la CSVN da lam sai gia tri tham do UCI", Vietnamese overseas believe Vietnamese Communists have distorted UCI values survey Viet Bao Daily News 11/30/2001: A1

"Poll sends student to her Vietnamese roots", (Mai Tran) Los Angeles Times 12/3/2001: B3

"Quan Diem: Ket qua hoang duong cua mot cuoc khao sat hoang phi", Op-ed: Unrealistic results of a wasteful research project Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/7/2001: 3

"Vietnamese student studies her roots", (Mai Tran) Nguoi Viet Daily News English Section 12/9/2001: A7

"Results and reactions", (Ann Do) Orange County Register 12/9/2001: B3

"No queers here: Here and there, Vietnamese say they're not crazy about gays", (Dan Tsang) OC Weekly 12/14/2001: 14

"Phai chang Trung tam Dan chu truong Dai hoc Irvine la canh tay noi dai cua CSVN?", Is the Center for the Study of Democracy at UCI an extension of Vietnamese Communist? Trach Nhiem Weekly News 12/14/2001: 1

"Ong Thi Nhu Ngoc, co la ai? Thuoc thanh phan nao trong cong dong ty nan Nam Cali?", Ong Thi Nhu Ngoc, who is she? What faction does she belong in the refugee community in Southern California? Trach Nhiem Weekly News 12/14/2001: 5

"Thu toa soan", Letter of the Editor Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/14/2001: 2

"Viet Tide mo ho so: Giai phau mot cuoc dieu tra toi te", (Nguyen Xuan Nghia) Viet Tide's investigation: Surgical operation of a terrible survey Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/14/2001: Cover photo & 16 ff.

"Ve cuoc tham do cua Ong Nhu Ngoc", (Vu Anh) About Ong Nhu Ngoc's survey Vien Dong Daily News 12/18/2001: A1

"Dang sau nhung con so thong ke tai Viet Nam", (Bui Bao Truc) Behind the statistics collected in Vietnam Nguoi Viet Daily News 12/20/2001: A1

"Hi hoa Etcetera", (Nguyen Quang Truong) Etcetera's cartoon Nguoi Viet Daily News 12/21/2001: A2

"Thu toa soan", Letter of the Editor Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/21/2001: 2

"Phong van nha van Duong Thu Huong", Interview with writer Duong Thu Huong Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/21/2001: 12

"Tranh biem hoa: To Quoc An Nan va cuoc tham do ve dan chu tai Viet Nam cua UCI duoi mat Etcetera", (Nguyen Quang Truong) Cartoons: To Quoc An Nan and UCI survey of democracy in Vietnam as seen by Etcetera Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 12/21/2001: 16

"Hi hoa Etcetera", (Nguyen Quang Truong) Etcetera's cartoon Nguoi Viet Daily News 12/22/2001: A2

"Tu To Quoc An Nan den ban "Tham do dan y Viet Nam": Su that o dau", (Doc Thuong) From To Quoc An Nan to the survey of Vietnamese: Where is the truth Mimi News Jan-02: 1

"UCI student says reaction to Vietnam poll is 'a shock'", Orange County Register 1/2/2002: B6

"Op-ed: Skepticism on Viet poll", Orange County Register 1/3/2002: B6

"Hi hoa VAL", (Vu Hoang Lan) VAL's cartoon Viet Bao Daily News 1/11/2002: B3

"Thu toa soan", Letter of the Editor Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 1/11/2002: 2

"UCI Vietnam survey: A reasonable measure of public opinion", (Russell Dalton & Nhu-Ngoc Ong) Orange County Register 1/13/2002: Commentary 4

"Study finds most Vietnamese happy with living conditions", (Esther Nguonly) New University (UCI) 1/14/2002: 1

"VN: Dan chu hay lam chu dan--GS-VS Pham Minh Hac da ban re luong tam cua mot tri thuc", (Pham Tran) VN: Democracy or authoritarianism--Prof. Pham Minh Hac sold his intellectual morality for cheap Viet Bao Daily News 1/17/2002: A7

"Keep your trap shut': Traveling through the 'new' Vietnam", (R. Scott Moxley) OC Weekly 1/18/2002: Cover photo & ff.

"Nhan quyen tai Viet Nam duoi cai nhin cua Duc", Vietnamese human rights in Germany's view Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 1/18/2002: 28

"Nhu ngoc ma tham", (Bo Hon & Lo Mo Tu) Like stupid but deep Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 1/25/2002: 20

"Hi hoa Etcetera", (Nguyen Quang Truong) Etcetera's cartoon The Ky 21 Magazine Jan-Feb02: 61

"Doi song "moi" tai Viet Nam: khon hon thi cam mieng, va dung nghi!", (Dinh Quat) Keep your trap shut': Traveling through the 'new' Vietnam Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 2/1/2002: 12

"Mang dat thiet doi dat... thit?", (Bo Hon) Trading real land for... meat? Viet Tide Weekly Magazine 2/1/2002: 30

"Most Vietnamese don't support communism", (Jorge A. Pena, Jr.) New University (UCI) 2/4/2002: 13

"Gop y ve may bai phe binh vu mot nhom nghien cuu gia thuoc truong Dai Hoc Irvine va Vien Nghien Cuu Con Nguoi tai Ha Noi, Viet Nam", (An Nguyen) Comments on the criticisms of [the research by] researchers from UCI and the Institute for Human Studies in Hanoi, Vietnam Nguoi Viet Daily News 2/16/2002: B3

"Le loi nghien cuu chinh tri Viet Nam cua mot vai dai hoc Hoa Ky", (Tran Viet Dai Hung) Some American universities' unwitting ways of researching Vietnamese politics Nguoi Viet Daily News 3/21/2002: A11

"Le loi nghien cuu chinh tri Viet Nam cua mot vai dai hoc Hoa Ky", (Tran Viet Dai Hung) Some American universities' unwitting ways of researching Vietnamese politics Saigon Nho Magazine 3/29/2002: 6

"Le loi nghien cuu chinh tri Viet Nam cua mot vai dai hoc Hoa Ky", (Tran Viet Dai Hung) (Tran Viet Dai Hung) Some American universities' unwitting ways of researching Vietnamese politics Viet Nam Tu Do Magazine 4/4/2002: 3


KFWB-AM 790: Bill Cooper interviews Nhu-Ngoc Ong

VNCR-FM 106.3: Hoang Trong Thuy interviews Nhu-Ngoc Ong

OC Register Vietscape AM 1480: Ann Do interviews Russell Dalton & Nhu-Ngoc Ong

Radio Free Asia Vietnamese Section: Viet Long interviews Nhu-Ngoc Ong

British Broadcast Company Vietnamese Section: Quoc Vinh interviews Nhu-Ngoc Ong


Internet Kicon: Le Vu interviews Russell Dalton & Nhu-Ngoc Ong


VABC channel 44: Tuoi Tre Nghi Gi? Minh Duc interviews Russell Dalton & Nhu-Ngoc Ong

KOCE-TV channel 50: Real Orange Ed Arnold and Ann Pulice interview Nhu-Ngoc Ong
